Katella HS


attendance new



Please make sure to send your student to school every day.

Students must be on time, attend school daily, and be in all assigned classes.


Contact our office at 

A-L (714)999-3645

M-Z (714)999-3645

Office Hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm


Reporting your child’s absence

If your child is absent, please call to report their absence. Please leave a voicemail if your call cannot be answered.  You may also send a note to the Attendance Office upon the day of their return. If your student is sick, please DO NOT send them to school.


If your child is late to school…

If your child is late to school, please call before they arrive or send a note with them. Student must report to the Attendance Office if they are late to school.


Early Release

If your child needs to be released at an earlier time you must send a note with your child to the Attendance Office before 7:40am.



Community Health Programs- BGCGG


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